Ø6-Ø7-Ø30m Domes for Wild Birds Rehabilitation Center | Bukvald, Poland

Even with the little weight of the mobile construction the float was perfectly stable. The floats are one welded unit containing the load bearing frame made up of Aluminium G-sections reaching all the way round as well as the actual floats.
Within the cooperation with the stakeholder of the project the Albatross Foundation, which deals mainly with the rehabilitation of wild birds and environmental education, a seminar entitled The White Stork – the Flagship Polish Species in the Winter Landscape. Selected Problems in the Context of the Activity of Animal ehabilitation Centres (December 2014) was organized. The students participated in off-site classes organized by the foundation at the bird rehabilitation centre in Bukwałd.
Puszczyki (Strix aluco) w Ptasiej Akademii w Bukwałdzie
"Miłość, która jednoczy i łączy wszystkie żywe stworzenia, to najlepszy ze wszystkich drogowskazów, choć objawia się często w nieoczekiwany sposób…" rzekła Tanana w Mój Brat Niedźwiedź…
Wszystkim zakochanym i nie zakochanym przy okazji Walentynek dużo miłości życzą nasze zakochane Puszczyki i inni mieszkańcy Ptasiej Akademii 😉Опубликовано Fundacja Albatros February 14 2016 г.

Starting from the academic year 2015/16, not only secondary school graduates just after their secondary school final exam are able to start studying cultural and natural heritage. A new form of studies was introduced, targeted at working people, obviously without an age limit. Still, the studies are free of charge and the curriculum is the same as of the traditional full time programme.

We notice the need for development and we are going to introduce changes in the study programme where they will be necessary, in order to ensure high quality of education, which is our main concern. The interdisciplinary character of the studies is perceived by the students as attractive there are many people who have wide- ranging interests and ideas and who do not want to be limited only to the area of humanities or only to exact sciences, including natural sciences.
The Kortowo university campus is conducive to such studies as cultural and natural heritage, because both nature and cultural goods can be found nearby. This is a specific quality of our region – Warmia and Mazury. Besides, we are trying to move the classes outside the university buildings. A lot of activities, particularly those concerned with nature, take place in the open air or in the form of trips to interesting places and cultural institutions; we also visit our stakeholders.