Geodesic Domes For Deep Sea Fish Farming


Fishing industry is now facing a major crisis. Fish stocks are depleting all over the world. The list of fish in the process of disappearing is getting longer and longer each year. According to the FAO, about 70% of the world’s major fish species and eleven of the 15 major fishing areas are in process of disappearing.

This innovative form of mariculture – growing fish in the open ocean – uses cutting edge technology and leaves no environmental footprint.

Aquaculture produces around half of the fish eaten worldwide, and since wild stocks are waning and global demand for fish is increasing, fish farming is destined to play a big role

Fish Farm Tech technology allows raising fish in open sea, reducing pollution, improving the quality of the fish and protecting the structure and the fish stock. Where nature and innovation meet, fish farming becomes ecologically friendly, efficient and profitable.

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We produce the highest quality and top-level architectural projects for the commercial, housing, healthcare and education markets. Design and construction of space frames, domes, shells and free-form structures whose products meet the requirements of sustainable buildings. Geodomas maintains high engineering standards and talented management to consistently ensure that the design, construction and maintenance requirements of each design and application are accessible.


We ship resort structures around the world for all kinds of purposes. No matter where your resort or camp is located – whether on water, rocks, desert, sand, grassy plains, tropical beach, ice field or dense rainforest – we will ensure that it is designed, built and built to be environmentally and economically sustainable, secure and durable.

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